Vehicle Maintenance
Vehicle Maintenance is responsible for maintaining the City fleet. This includes vehicles and equipment used by Administration, Community Development, Human Services, Public Works, Fire, and Police. Some of the types of gasoline, diesel, propane, and compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles and equipment maintained and repaired by this division include:
- Vans
- Pickup trucks
- Street sweepers
- Tree trucks
- Sewer trucks
- Dump trucks
- Water trucks
- Backhoes
- Mowers
- Chain saws
- Edgers
- Weed eaters
- Blowers
- Compressors
This division is also responsible for new vehicles and equipment purchases as well as ensuring that the City is in compliance with all State and Federal air and fuel regulations for vehicles and above-ground storage tanks.
For additional information, please contact the Vehicle Maintenance Division Monday through Thursday between 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at (909) 625-9468.