FAQ Topic: Services & Safety

My water is brown and has residue in it! Who can I contact?

It is recommended that homeowners seek services from a licensed plumber who would be able to detect any underlying problems on the property such as corrosion and iron or lead residue from old pipes. Report the issue to the Public Works Operations Division using this form. In addition, homeowners may submit a report to Monte … Continued

How do I obtain a copy of a police report?

Requests for certain Police Department records such as crime/incident reports, call-for-service records, and traffic collision reports, are handled by the Police Department directly. Please view the Police Department’s instructions on obtaining report copies.

How do I open a new account for trash, sewer, and water?

New residents to the City of Montclair should contact Monte Vista Water District at (909) 624-0035 to start water service. The District will forward all of your information to the City so a new trash and sewer account can be created and services can begin.  All pertinent information is forwarded from Monte Vista Water District … Continued

Who do I call about police-related non-emergencies?

All calls for an officer to respond, including the reporting of a crime that is not in-progress, should be made to our Dispatch Center by calling the non-emergency phone number at (909) 621-4771. All requests for information, copies of reports, or to speak to a specific employee should be made through the business office at … Continued

How do I file a police report?

In-Person Police reports can be filed at the Montclair Police Department located at 4870 Arrow Highway, Montclair. You may also call the Business Office at (909) 448-3600. Business Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Closed weekends and City-observed holidays Phone Police reports can be filed over the phone by contacting dispatch … Continued

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