Municipal Code 8.6.090 restricts parking for commercial vehicles, trailer, and commercial equipment with a gross weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more in R-1 (Residential), R-2 (Two-family Residential), R-3 (Multifamily Residential) zones with a few exceptions. It is unlawful for any person to park or store any commercial motor vehicle having a manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating … Continued
No. One transportation permit is valid for one truck; meaning it only covers a single vehicle traveling from one origin to one destination in a single journey (multiple trips for annual use permits). The use of one permit for multiple trucks is prohibited and may result in a citation.
In the year 2024, there are no permits required for yard sales, however that could change in the future. Yard sales are only permitted during scheduled yard sale events. You can find the schedule at this link.
Construction permit pricing for projects that affect the public right-of-way, such as utilities running along the street, can be found on page 2 of our Engineering Fee Schedule. If the inspector needs to reissue a permit before or after it expires, additional fees will be required.
Engineering Services pricing can be found on our Engineering Fee Schedule under “Plan Check Fee.” *The fees paid include checking all relevant supporting documents required to accompany a plan submittal. The fees assume that no more than three (3) plan checks will be necessary. Additional plan checks may require additional plan check fees to be … Continued
There will be no street sweeping on Christmas Day, New Years Eve, and New Years Day. *NOTE (for the year 2024): There will be no street sweeping on Thursday, December 26, 2024.
In 2022, the California Supreme Court ruled that bees can be protected under the CESA. The court’s decision allows California to protect some of its most endangered pollinators, which can help the state’s ecosystems and farms. Bees and other pollinators are critical to promoting healthy ecosystems and strengthening biodiversity. They provide crucial pollination services that … Continued
Traffic signals and street maintenance of ramps and intersections along the I-10 freeway are under the jurisdiction of the State of California. Report any problems within those intersections to Caltrans at this link: Submit Customer Service Request or call this number: (909) 383-4631.
There are several departments working on various projects around the city with ongoing programs that serve to enrich and provide for the community. You can find a few of the current and past city development projects on this page under the Public Works Department.