FAQ Topic: Operations and Fleet

My water is brown and has residue in it! Who can I contact?

It is recommended that homeowners seek services from a licensed plumber who would be able to detect any underlying problems on the property such as corrosion and iron or lead residue from old pipes. Report the issue to the Public Works Operations Division using this form. In addition, homeowners may submit a report to Monte … Continued

How can I get my water tested for quality?

Residents who would like to their home water tested for quality can contact the Monte Vista Water District (909) 624-0035 or hire a private contractor for services at their own discretion.

Where can I report a pothole?

You can report potholes to the Public Works Operations Division online using this form. Please be detailed about the location and cross streets. Provide photos if possible.

Why can’t I park on the street during street sweeping day?

The City of Montclair provides its residents with once-a-week street sweeping service. Parking is restricted on street sweeping day to achieve cleaner public streets. On the day your street is swept, parking on the street is prohibited between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Signs will be posted in your neighborhood indicating the … Continued

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