Will there be street sweeping on Christmas Day?
There will be no street sweeping on Christmas Day, New Years Eve, and New Years Day. *NOTE (for the year 2024): There will be no street sweeping on Thursday, December 26, 2024.
There will be no street sweeping on Christmas Day, New Years Eve, and New Years Day. *NOTE (for the year 2024): There will be no street sweeping on Thursday, December 26, 2024.
In 2022, the California Supreme Court ruled that bees can be protected under the CESA. The court’s decision allows California to protect some of its most endangered pollinators, which can help the state’s ecosystems and farms. Bees and other pollinators are critical to promoting healthy ecosystems and strengthening biodiversity. They provide crucial pollination services that … Continued
There should be white and red signs posted along your street notifying you of the day your vehicle cannot be parked on the street. You may also check the schedule map here. Parking on the street during your designated street sweeping day can result in receiving a citation from the Montclair Police Department.
You can check the collection schedule map here.
To file a claim, you must first download and complete this this form and then contact the City Clerk’s office at (909) 625-9415 for further instructions.
If an incident occurs after normal business hours, please notify Dispatch at the Montclair Police Department at (909) 621-4771. If someone is in danger or in immediate need of emergency assistance, please call 9-1-1.
City-owned trees are usually located in the public right-of-way nearest to curbs and sidewalks, however, not all trees located in the right-of-way may be city-owned. Some trees may belong to a private company, resident, landowner, or be under the jurisdiction another public agency. If you’re planning to do major landscaping in or near the public … Continued
Report water leaks to the Monte Vista Water District using this online form or call 909-624-0035. If the water leak is in a local city park, call (909) 625-9480.
Make a report by filling out this online form, or call the Public Works Operations Division at (909) 625-9480.
Please report graffiti to the City by filling out this online form or calling the Public Works Operations Division at (909) 625-9480.