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CONSTRUCTION BMPs Dischargers whose projects disturb one (1) or more acres of soil or whose projects disturb less than one (1) acre but are part of a larger common plan of development that in total disturbs one or more acres, are required to obtain coverage under the General Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Construction...

The Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) is intended to provide information related to a development project’s generation and mitigation of water quality pollutants.  The WQMP contains project information related to site characteristics, expected pollutants, and hydrology impacts.  It describes the incorporation of Low Impact Development (LID) Preventative measures as well as LID Mitigative Measures, listed...

FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY For example: Full service restaurant, fast-food restaurant, bakery, bar, and other commercial food services. DO: Clean floor mats, filters, and garbage cans in a mop sink or floor drain that is connected to the sewer lines, not the parking lot, alley, sidewalk, gutter line, or street. Pour wash water into a janitorial...

1. What is the Industrial General Permit (IGP)? The Industrial Storm Water General Permit Order 97-03-DWQ (Industrial General Permit) is a National Pollution Elimination Discharge (NPDES) permit that regulates discharges associated with 10 broad categories of industrial activities.  The Industrial General Permit requires the implementation of management measures that will achieve the performance standard of...

The NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) is a program mandated by the Clean Water Act of 1990, which prohibits the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States.  Stormdrains dump untreated stormwater runoff directly into streams, rivers, and detention basins, and eventually discharge to the ocean. This means oils, grass, weeds, paint, pesticides,...

Why Recycle Used Oil? Did you know that used motor oil never wears out? It just gets dirty and can be recycled, cleaned, and used again. Recycling used motor oil conserves a natural resource (oil) and is good for the environment too! Motor oil poured onto the ground or into storm drains, or tossed into...

What is Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)? Many common household products are hazardous. When these products are discarded, they become “household hazardous waste," or "HHW." HHW is any product labeled toxic, poison, danger, warning, caution, corrosive, flammable, combustible, or irritant. If these products are handled or disposed of incorrectly, they can pose a threat to human...

The Public Works Department is a local government branch made up of multiple divisions who coordinate to keep Montclair's infrastructure and public spaces safe and beautiful. It maintains the public right-of-way, city-owned property, and oversees various types of development projects around the city. In addition, they issue permits to contractors and other government entities who intend to operate on public property.

If you find yourself the victim or witness of a crime, please review the resources below for instructions on receiving assistance. You may also review detailed instructions for Identity Theft, Domestic Violence, Elder Abuse, Graffiti, and Lost Property. VICTIM ASSISTANCE CA Victim Compensation Program Telephone: 1 (800) 777-9229 District Attorney Victim / Witness Program Telephone:...

What Can Be Recycled? Do you know which of these items can be recycled? View Burrtec's guide below to find the answer and see more items you can put in your residential recycle bin.   What Can Be Recycled? Cuales Articulos Son Reciclables?   Mandatory Commercial Recycling State legislation (AB 341) mandates that all businesses and...

A relationship of trust and confidence between members of the Montclair Police Department and the community they service is essential to effective law enforcement. Law enforcement officers must be free to exercise their best judgment and to initiate law enforcement action in a reasonable, lawful, and impartial manner. In this regard, enforcers of the law...

The answer is simple! Only toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet. Preventing sewer spills is important for the protection of public health and the environment.  Please do not flush wipes, tissues, paper towels or other non-flushable items down the toilet. Read the California Water Board news advisory for more information.  

Environmental Compliance Division The Environmental Compliance Division oversees a number of environmental programs that both educate our residents and business owners about the importance of environmental stewardship and ensure regulatory compliance. Montclair works in conjunction with the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) to implement federal and state requirements for commercial and industrial wastewater discharges. The responsibilities...

Parking Citations Parking citation payments are not accepted at the Police Department. Payments by check or money order are to be mailed to City of Montclair, Parking Enforcement Center, P.O. Box 3214, Milwaukee, WI 53201-3214. Citation inquiries may be made by contacting the Parking Enforcement Center at (866) 353-7160. Payments are due 21 calendar days...

For information about law enforcement topics not contained in this website, contact the Montclair Police Department business office at (909) 448-3600. When calling about a police report or vehicle, please have the crime report number and/or vehicle license number available.

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