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If you believe that you became ill due to a food product purchased in San Bernardino County you may call 909-884-4056 to report the incident. Visit the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health website  for more information.

The Zoning Code of the City of Montclair is contained in Title 11 of the Montclair Municipal Code. For specific questions about the zoning restrictions in the City, contact the City’s Planning Division at (909) 625-9435.

Montclair has a few rules in place for our furry friends. All dogs are required to have a dog license. This helps other people know your dog is vaccinated and helps you find your pet if they are lost. Unless at a dog park, please keep your dog on a leash when not on your...

To report a housing code violation contact Code Enforcement at (909) 625-9477

The City of Montclair's Municipal Code is a document that contains all of the regulations of the City that were adopted as Ordinances by the City Council and codified into the Code. The Municipal Code is updated as the City grows and changes. You can view the City of Montclair Municipal Code on the web...

Payments by check or money order are to be mailed to: Parking Enforcement Center City of Montclair P.O. Box 3214 Milwaukee, WI 53201-3214 Online payments may be made at Payments are due 21 calendar days from the date of issuance. Payments are to be postmarked on or before the due date in order to...

If you would like to dispute a parking citation, you must download and complete an Administrative Review Request form. Mail the completed form to: Parking Enforcement Center Montclair Police Department P.O. Box 6010 Inglewood, CA  90312-6010 Requests for administrative review must be postmarked by the due date in order to be eligible for review.

The current sales tax rate in Montclair is 9%.

You pay your Business License Tax when you register for or renew a Business License. If you have a business license, you have already paid your Business Tax. Business License Tax registration applications are available online, or you can apply and pay in person at City Hall Finance Counter during the Business License Division business...

You can pay your water bill through Monte Vista Water District’s (MVWD) online payment system. MVWD’s website also has information on additional ways to pay your bill.

Montclair is a great place to start and grow a successful business. We are home to many incredible companies, from biotech to real estate, finance to auto sales, construction to education. Our Economic Development department is here for you! Montclair Municipal Code requires all businesses operating in the City of Montclair pay a business license...

Yes, the Montclair Municipal Code requires all businesses operating in the City of Montclair pay a business license tax. The business license certificate is evidence that such tax has been paid. Business License Tax registration applications are available online, or you can apply and pay in person at City Hall Finance Counter during the Business...

The nearest DMV offices are in Rancho Cucamonga and Pomona. Rancho Cucamonga DMV 8629 Hellman Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Pomona DMV 1600 S Garey Avenue Pomona, CA 91766

You can get a California Driver’s License at the Department of Motor Vehicles. The nearest DMV offices are in Rancho Cucamonga and Pomona.

You can pay your property taxes online through the County of San Bernardino. If you would like to find out if there are delinquent property taxes associated with your property you can look up your parcel number through the County of San Bernardino’s property search tool. If you find that your property taxes are delinquent,...

You can find information about paying your federal income tax on the Internal Revenue Service website. Information about California State income tax can be found on the State Franchise Board website.

To apply for a position with the City of Montclair, please complete an official City application (and supplemental questionnaire, if applicable) for each position for which you are applying. Resumes may be submitted with employment applications; however, resumes do not take the place of a City application form. The City does not maintain applications or...

Police news and information.

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