City of Montclair High-Wind Warning

Public Works crews are actively monitoring the streets to look for road hazards caused by the current windstorm. Please report any broken tree limbs or debris in the roadways or right-of-way by calling (909) 625-9480. To make a report after business hours, please call (909) 621-4771.

To report downed power lines, call 911.

Search Results

2369 Results Found

No permit and no fee for yard sales for 2024.  There are four designated dates for yard sales this year.  You may only hold a yard sale on the following dates: February 2, 3, 4 May 3, 4, 5 August 2, 3, 4 November 1, 2, 3  

The Code Enforcement Division's responsibility is to ensure that all property owners and businesses in Montclair are in compliance with various sections of the Montclair Municipal Code. Code Enforcement staff maintains a presence throughout the City seven days a week through the use of full- and part-time staff, who conduct regular, proactive inspections Citywide, in...

The official copy of the plans maintained by the Building Division is a public record. It can be viewed only on the premises of the Building Division. The plans may not be duplicated in whole or in part without: The written permission of the certified, registered professional or his or her successor, if any, who signed the original documents,...

During normal building activity, after your plans are submitted, it will take approximately 2 weeks for the review of your plans to be completed. After the review of your plans is finished, the plans examiner will either notify you that your plans are ready for permit issuance or will require revisions. Subsequent plan reviews will...

To scheduling an inspection, call (909) 625-9448 Things to keep in mind when scheduling an inspection: Inspections will be for next day only if scheduled prior to 5:00 p.m. the day before. The City is closed every Friday. If an inspection request is called in on Thursday, the inspection will be scheduled for Monday An...

Building Design Criteria The State of California adopts a set of new construction codes every three years referred to as the California Building Standards Code. The 2022 California Building Standards Code was adopted by the Montclair City Council (Ordinance No. 22-1002). The 2022 CBC was effective on December 19, 2022. The adopted code includes: 2022...

The Building Division is responsible for the enforcement of City regulations concerning construction on private property and for establishing and enforcing minimum building codes for the purpose of protecting the health, safety, and general welfare of those who live, work, shop, and play in Montclair. Building staff provide public counter information, handle phone and online...

Montclair prides itself on being "development friendly." This is evidenced by the variety of residential, commercial, and industrial projects currently underway in the City, some of which are illustrated below. MISSION BOULEVARD AND RAMONA AVENUE              BUSINESS PARK PROJECT FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (SCH 2021010005) The Project would involve the...

The North Montclair Downtown Specific Plan is a major land-use plan prepared by planning consultants and architects (Moule & Polyzoides Architects and Urbanists) in concert with City staff to provide master planning services across approximately 150 acres in North Montclair. The adopted land use plan creates the framework for new development opportunities for a mixed-use,...

General Plan The City of Montclair General Plan is intended to provide direction for future development of the City and its sphere of influence. It represents a formal expression of community goals and desires, provides guidelines for decision-making about the City's development, and fulfills the requirements of California Government Code Section 65302 requiring local preparation...

Municipal Code The Montclair Municipal Code can be viewed online.  Municode allows users to search the Code, view recently adopted Ordinances, compare older versions of the codes, and see the history of updates.  To see copies of adopted ordinances that are not contained in Municode, please make a public records request. Zoning Ordinance The Zoning Code...

Project applicants often want to know how the development process works.  While City staff relies largely on its own Municipal Code and the California Building Code to review projects for compliance, there are other external guidelines that the City is responsible for reviewing and implementing, such as the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and surface...

  The estimated population for the City of Montclair as of July 1, 2019, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, was 40,083 residents. The total land area within the City's corporate boundary is 5.54 square miles, with an additional .92 square miles in the City's Sphere of Influence, which extends west to the Los Angeles...

On July 1, 2001, the Montclair Fire Department implemented a new, integrated, fire-based Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system that added paramedics to the emergency medical services provided by the Fire Department.  Prior to July 1, 2001, the Montclair Fire Department ran two basic life support engines and one basic life support squad.  A private ambulance...

Listed below is the current fee schedule for the Montclair Fire Department. Emergency Medical Services Fees Nonresident Basic Life Support (BLS) Services $299 per call Nonresident Advanced Life Support (ALS) Services $387 per call Resident Basic Life Support (BLS) Services $0 per call Resident Advanced Life Support (ALS) Services $100 per call EMS and Paramedic Subscription Program Fees Montclair Resident $24 per year Montclair Business...

Fire Chief David Pohl David Pohl began his career with the Montclair Fire Department as a reserve firefighter in December of 1989. During his 34 years in the fire service with the Montclair Fire Department he has held the ranks of Firefighter, Fire Engineer, Fire Captain, Fire Battalion Chief, and Deputy Fire Chief, becoming Fire...

For a list of positions currently open with the Montclair Fire Department please visit the City of Montclair's jobs page. A career in the fire service is both challenging and rewarding.  Fire suppression is only one of a variety of duties performed by Firefighters.  In fact, approximately 85 percent of all fire department responses are...

The City of Montclair maintains its’ own fire protection services operating out of two fire stations. Station One is located at 8901 Monte Vista Ave, and houses a fire command vehicle, one medic aerial platform truck, an Office of Emergency Services Type-1 engine, and one Type-1 fire engine as a reserve. Station Two which is...

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