City of Montclair High-Wind Warning

Public Works crews are actively monitoring the streets to look for road hazards caused by the current windstorm. Please report any broken tree limbs or debris in the roadways or right-of-way by calling (909) 625-9480. To make a report after business hours, please call (909) 621-4771.

To report downed power lines, call 911.

Public Records

Public Records Overview

The California Public Records Act (Government Code Sections 7920.000-7931.000) is designed to give the public access to information in possession of public agencies. Public records are open to inspection at all times at no charge. Persons wishing to inspect City of Montclair public records may do so during regular office hours (Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.). Every person has a right to receive an exact copy of an identifiable record unless impracticable. Specific exemptions to disclosure are listed in Sections 7920.000-7931.000 of the Government Code.

"Records" include all forms of communication related to public business "regardless of physical form or characteristics, including any writing, picture, sound, or symbol; whether paper, fiber, magnetic, or other media." Electronic records are included, but software may be exempt.

Requesting Public Records

In most instances, unless documents are archived or need to be gathered, copies may be provided upon request. If that is not possible, the City has ten days to respond to a request. If additional time is necessary, requester will be notified in writing. The maximum amount of additional time allowed, pursuant to the Public Records Act, is 14 days.

Requests should include a clear and specific description of the information; the more specific you are with the information you are requesting, the more responsive we may be to your request. Whenever possible, please provide dates, subjects, titles, and the types of documents you are requesting. Please include your name, address, and a telephone number or email address at which you can be reached.

All document duplication fees are due and payable in full and are based on the City of Montclair’s current Master User Fee Schedule Resolution.

Notice for Requesting Police and Fire Department Reports

Requests for certain Police Department records such as crime/incident reports, call-for-service records, and traffic collision reports, are handled by the Police Department directly. Please view the Police Department's instructions on obtaining report copies.

Requests for information pertaining to fire incidents require completion of the Fire Department Request for Information Form.

Submit a Request

Please formally submit your request using the "Submit a Records Request" option in the side menu or use the tile link below to access the form. You will receive a response from the City within 10 calendar days, beginning with the business day the City receives your request (requests submitted on a Friday will be received on the following Monday).

Financial Disclosure Forms

Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700)

The Form 700 is used by candidates and City officials to report their economic/financial interests within the City's boundaries (commercial/rental property, businesses, stocks, etc; does not include residence).  The City's Conflict of Interest Code explains each disclosure category. The Code is updated by the City Council biennially on even-numbered years in December.

Pursuant to Government Code Section 87200, the following individuals are required to file Form 700 Statements of Economic Interest:

Name Position
Javier John Dutrey Mayor
William Ruh City Council Member
Carolyn Tenice Johnson City Council Member
Corysa Martinez City Council Member
Benjamin Lopez City Council Member
Manny Martinez Planning Commissioner
Xavier Mendez Planning Commissioner
Krishna Patel Planning Commissioner
Sergio Sahagun Planning Commissioner
Jaso Sanchez Planning Commissioner
Edward C. Starr City Manager/Treasurer
 Diane Robbins City Attorney

You may view their filings by searching for their names in the Form 700 Public Viewing Portal.

Employees appointed to positions designated in the City's Conflict of Interest Code must also file Form 700s annually.

More information about the Form 700 can be found on the Form 700 page of the Fair Political Practices Commission's website.

Political Campaign Financial Statements

Information about local campaign finances can be viewed by searching for the candidate, committee, or office holder's name in the Campaign Filing Public Viewing Portal. To view reporting periods and deadlines associated with the 2022 General Municipal Election, please see the Filing Schedule of Campaign Statements.

More information about campaign disclosure laws can be found on the Campaign Rules page of the Fair Political Practices Commission's website.

Other Commonly Requested Public Records

City Documents

  • City of Montclair Budgets
    Bound and tabbed hard copies can be purchased at City Hall based on current pricing in the Master User Fee Schedule.
  • Master User Fee Schedule
    At the July 2, 2018 City Council Meeting, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 18–3201 amending the current Master User Fee Schedule.  Pursuant to Resolution No. 18–3201 the amended Master User Fee Schedule became in full force and effect immediately upon adoption.
  • Records Retention Schedule
    Current guidelines and schedule for destruction of retained City records.
  • SB 272 Compliance Posting
    Disclosure of Enterprise System Information.

Birth, Death, & Marriage Certificates

The City of Montclair is not the office of record for birth, death, or marriage certificates. Those records can be found with the County of San Bernardino. San Bernardino County only has records of births and deaths that occurred in San Bernardino County or marriage licenses that were purchased in San Bernardino County. Copies of marriage certificates may be purchased approximately two weeks after the original marriage license is received and recorded in the Recorder-County Clerk’s office. Only the parties to the marriage may be provided a certified copy of a confidential marriage record.

Please visit the San Bernardino County Recorder-Clerk's Office of Vital Records website or contact their office at (909) 387-8306 for options on requesting certified copies of records or to book an appointment.  If you are seeking information about a divorce, please visit the San Bernardino County Court website.

For all other vital records you must contact the county in which the event is registered or contact the California Department of Public Health at (916) 445-2684.

Police Department Reports

Requests for certain Police Department records such as crime/incident reports, call-for-service records, and traffic collision reports, are handled by the Police Department directly. Please view the Police Department's instructions on obtaining report copies.

Fire Incident Reports

Requests for information pertaining to fire incidents require completion of the Fire Department Request for Information Form.

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