Planning Division
Counter Hours
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Call to make an appointment outside of the posted Counter Hours.
The Planning Division is responsible for ensuring the orderly physical improvement of land and property in Montclair through the administration of ordinances, codes, and policies related to land use and development. An important objective is to ensure that new development is of high quality, attractive, and compatible in character and scale with surrounding development in order to encourage reinvestment in the community.
The Planning Division is charged with guiding residents and developers through the development process, coordinating project review with other City departments and public agencies, and processing requests from the public for information at the counter, over the phone, or online.
Planning Division staff performs short-range developmental planning functions such as:
- Guiding residents and developers through the development process
- Coordinating project review with other departments and public agencies
- Processing requests for information from the public at the counter, over the phone, or online
The Planning Division administers the provisions of the General Plan, Zoning Code, North Montclair Specific Plan, Holt Boulevard Specific Plan, North Montclair Downtown Specific Plan, and various City policies related to development; provides technical and administrative support to the City Council and Planning Commission; and are active participants at Development Review Committee meetings. Staff is also responsible for reviewing plans and providing formal comments to the County of San Bernardino Land Use Services Department on projects located in the unincorporated County area within the City's sphere of influence.
Counter Hours
The Planning Division public counter is located in the main lobby of City Hall and is open Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. For your convenience, Planning Division staff is also available to meet with you by appointment if you are unable to visit during counter hours. Please call (909) 625-9477 for an appointment. As a reminder, City Hall is closed every Friday.
Planning Division Contact Information |
Title | Phone | |
Director of Community Development | mdiaz@cityofmontclair.org | 909-625-9432 |
Senior Planner | sgutierrez@cityofmontclair.org | 909-625-9435 |