The City business offices will be closed for the holidays beginning at 6:00 p.m. on December 19, 2024, and will resume operations on Monday, January 6, 2025, at 7:00 a.m. Any communications sent to the City via email, mail, or online form submission during this closure will be considered received by the City no earlier than January 6, 2025.

Notice of Public Hearing – Planning Commission – November 12, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

Posted on November 6, 2024

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. the Planning Commission will consider the following items under Case No. 2024-55:

  • City of Montclair 2020 General Plan Update
  • Arrow Highway Mixed-Use District (AHMUD) Specific Plan
  • Montclair Corridors Code

The public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at the Montclair Civic Center, 5111 Benito Street, Montclair, California 91763, at which time all interested persons or their agents are invited to appear and be heard.

general plan map

APPLICANT: City of Montclair

PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The proposed Montclair 2020 General Plan Update (Project) is a comprehensive update of the City’s General Plan, which has not been comprehensively updated since 1999.  The General Plan will be reorganized and reformatted, with updated goals and policies that reflect the community’s vision of Montclair, which the General Plan seeks to achieve.  The General Plan Land Use Map will also be updated.  The Montclair General Plan features the following eight elements:

  1. Our Natural Community (Conservation, Open Space Elements) – Addresses how Montclair can thrive in balance with the community’s natural ecosystems.
  2. Our Prosperous Community (Economic Development Element) – Addresses how Montclair can attract and retain high-wage and high-value enterprises, and diversify and increase the local tax base.
  3. Our Well Planned Community (Land Use/Design, Housing, Parks and Recreation Elements) – This chapter will feature the preferred land use plan that directs new growth by reinvesting in key opportunity areas like the Downtown, Arrow Highway Mixed-Use District, and Corridors while protecting natural resources, respecting stable residential neighborhoods, and making great places by insisting on the highest standard in architecture, landscaping, and urban design.
  4. Our Accessible Community (Circulation Element) – Addresses transportation choices advocated by SB 375 and AB 1358 by strengthening and balancing pedestrian, bike, and transit connections in the City and surrounding region.
  5. Our Healthy Community (Public Health, Noise, and Land Use Element) – Will seek to build effective partnerships that improve physical and mental health and social well-being.
  6. Our Safe Community (Safety Element) – Will increase awareness of potential emergencies, and minimize threats to life and damage to structures from hazards.
  7. Our Active Community (Land Use, Open Space, Parks and Recreation Elements) – Addresses parks and open spaces to provide enriching recreational options for the entire community.
  8. Our Creative Community (Culture Element) – Weave arts, cultural events, and community programs into everyday life.

As part of the Project, the City intends to also adopt the following documents to implement the land use and regulatory goals of the General Plan update:

  • The AHMUD Specific Plan focuses on the northwest and northeast corners of Montclair, along the Arrow Highway Corridor. The AHMUD Specific Plan includes provisions to allow new residential development, a new public park, new development on the north and south side of Arrow Highway, new development facing Central Avenue, and phasing of public infrastructure such as improvements to streetscapes, San Antonio Channel Creek, and parks.  The AHMUD Specific Plan will replace the existing North Montclair Specific Plan (1997).
  • The Montclair Corridors Code—The City will also amend its Development Code (MMC Chapter 11) and Zoning Map to implement the updated General Plan via the Montclair Corridors Code. The code will include the creation of new zoning designations and development standards for the Central Avenue (south of the I-10 Freeway), Holt Boulevard, and Mission Boulevard corridors.

To maintain consistency with the General Plan Update, the City is also considering the following actions:

  1. Repeal the existing North Montclair Specific Plan to be replaced by the AHMUD Specific Plan; and
  2. Amendment of Title 11 (Zoning and Development) of the Montclair Municipal Code to repeal Chapters 11:24, 11.26, 11.28, 11.30, 11.32, and 11.34 to be replaced with five new land use designations (Neighborhood Residential, Neighborhood Edge; Commerce–Mixed Use, Commerce-Industrial, and Civic) and development standards proposed by the Corridors Code.
  3. Repeal the existing Holt Boulevard Specific Plan to be replaced by the Corridors Code (an area approximately 2.2 miles along Holt Boulevard from Mills Avenue on the west to Benson Avenue on the east); and
  4. Repeal the existing Montclair Parkway Place Specific Plan to be replaced by the Corridors Code (a 600-acre area bounded by State Street on the north, Benson Avenue on the east, Howard Street on the south, and the San Antonio Wash flood control channel near East End Avenue on the west).

The Planning Commission will review the Project and forward its recommendations to the City Council for their consideration.  The Planning Commission will also make recommendations to the City Council regarding the certification of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and adoption of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), the adoption of environmental findings, including a statement of overriding considerations, and approval of the Project.

LOCATION:  Citywide

ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT:  In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), a Draft Environmental Impact Report (“DEIR”) was prepared to analyze the potential environmental impacts that may result from the implementation of the proposed Project.  The DEIR evaluated potential environmental impacts associated with the implementation of the Project and provided information regarding short-term, long-term, direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental effects of the Project.  It also identified feasible mitigation measures and/or alternatives that would minimize or eliminate the potentially significant impacts associated with the implementation of the Project.

The above documents and CEQA documentation (including the DEIR) may be viewed at the Community Development Department located at the above address from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, before the public hearing.  For further information concerning this project, please contact Michael Diaz, the project coordinator, at or (909) 625-9432.  Written comments on the project may be sent by mail to P.O. Box 2308, Montclair, CA 91763, or by facsimile transmittal to the Department at (909) 626-3691.  Si desea información en español acerca de esta propuesta, por favor comuníquese con Silvia Gutierrez en la ciudad de Montclair, al teléfono (909) 625-9435.

Please note that Section 65009(b)(2) of the California Government Code provides that legal challenges to the City’s action on this project may be limited to only those issues raised in testimony during the public hearing process.  The City of Montclair does not discriminate against persons with disabilities.

Publish:  November 1, 2024

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