City of Montclair High-Wind Warning

Public Works crews are actively monitoring the streets to look for road hazards caused by the current windstorm. Please report any broken tree limbs or debris in the roadways or right-of-way by calling (909) 625-9480. To make a report after business hours, please call (909) 621-4771.

To report downed power lines, call 911.

Municipal Code, Zoning Ordinance, & Zoning Map

Municipal Code

The Montclair Municipal Code can be viewed online.  Municode allows users to search the Code, view recently adopted Ordinances, compare older versions of the codes, and see the history of updates.  To see copies of adopted ordinances that are not contained in Municode, please make a public records request.

Zoning Ordinance

The Zoning Code of the City of Montclair is contained in Title 11 of the Montclair Municipal Code. Click on the link below and then click on "Title 11 Zoning and Development" in the Navigation Pane to view the Zoning Code.

Zoning Maps

The City of Montclair is divided into land use, or zoning districts pursuant to the Government Code of the State of California. The various districts are established to serve the health, safety and general welfare of the population, to provide the social and economic advantages that result from an orderly, planned use of land resources, and to guide, control and regulate future growth and development of the City.

The City offers public access to an online system to find the land use designation for each parcel by address.

Also listed below are links to the Official Zoning Map of the City of Montclair and a zoning map covering the unincorporated area of the County of San Bernardino within Montclair's sphere of influence. Additionally, links have been provided to the Land Use Map for the Holt Boulevard Specific Plan, adopted by the City Council in June, 1991, and the Turner Montclair Center Specific Plan, adopted in October, 1990. Each map is contained in a relatively large Adobe Acrobat file, so please be patient as the files may take some time to load. Simply click on the link that you would like to view.

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