City of Montclair High-Wind Warning

Public Works crews are actively monitoring the streets to look for road hazards caused by the current windstorm. Please report any broken tree limbs or debris in the roadways or right-of-way by calling (909) 625-9480. To make a report after business hours, please call (909) 621-4771.

To report downed power lines, call 911.

Industrial Plan Submittal



 Minimum Requirements for Construction Drawings

1. Five Sets of Plans

Drawn to architectural scale (1/4” preferred) size D paper (24"x36"), stapled together, no loose sheets. (with the addition of two sets of soils reports and structural calculations)

2. Plot Plan


Each plot plan shall contain the following information:

a) Table of contents listing all sheets of construction drawings.

b) Building type and occupancy.

c) Building floor area, existing and proposed.

d) North arrow.

e) Scale - A numerical and an accurate graphical scale is required for all commercial projects.

f) Property lines, dimensions of lot, distance of new and existing structures from property lines.

g) Show existing and proposed structures.

h) Indicate existing structures to be demolished with dashed lines.

3. Floor Plans

a) Show all walls, doors, and windows on each floor level. Label all rooms, floor and roof plans. Show stairways, door and window locations and sizes. Provide complete dimensions.

4. Elevations

Elevations of all sides are required. Each elevation shall include the following:

a) Show existing and final grades.

b) Show height from existing grade to finished floor and to highest point of structure.

c) Indicate all exterior finish materials.

d) Show all doors and windows (distinguish between open and fixed, single glazed and double-glazed). Give sizes. Show sill heights of windows.

e) Show chimney and height 2 feet above roof and structure at point 10’ away.

f) Indicate roof pitch, sheathing, and roof covering materials.

g) Show attic ventilation. Indicate sizes.

5. Foundation Plan

a) Show outline of perimeter foundation, concrete slabs, patios, etc. with dimensions.

b) Location and size of exterior and interior spread pads and foundations.

c) Location, size, and spacing of anchor bolts. Location of hold-downs and post bases.

d) Show complete detailed cross sections of foundation and spread pads. Show required reinforcing steel and specify size, quantity, and location within concrete element.

e) Show location and sizes of foundation vents and crawl space access for raised floor.

6. Framing Plans

a) At roof and at each floor level show all structural members with sizes, spacing, and metal connectors.

b) Provide details keyed to plan to clarify construction process and connections.

c) Show all required roof and floor sheathings, shear walls and schedule, and specify nailing (common nail), holds-downs, drag struts, etc. Provide details.

7. Building Cross Sections

a) Show typical wall construction including exterior and interior wall covering and insulation.

b) Show cuts through building as required to facilitate construction.

8. Energy Conservation

a) List California Energy Commission mandatory requirements on plans.

b) Certificate of compliance permanently affixed to the plans, indicating the features and performance specifications needed to comply with California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 6. This certificate must be signed by individual responsible for the design and by owner of the building or property.

9. Disabled Access

a) In additions, alterations, or remodels of industrial projects, show path of travel, accessible parking, signage, and sanitation facilities.

b) Show full accessibility to all areas for the disabled.

c) Detail all sanitation facilities including required clearance and height dimensions.

10. Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing Plans

The electrical, mechanical, and plumbing information can usually be shown on the floor plan of smaller commercial projects. Larger and/or more complex buildings require that separate electrical, mechanical, and plumbing plans be submitted.

11. Miscellaneous Requirements

If applicable, all conditions of the Planning Commission approval letter shall be reproduced on the first page of the construction drawings

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