Fire Prevention Bureau
The goal of the Fire Prevention Bureau is to prevent or reduce the number and magnitude of emergency situations. This goal is accomplished by implementing programs and policies that mitigate the loss of life and property.
The Bureau is staffed by a Deputy Fire Marshal, Brett Petroff, and Managed by the Building Official.
The Bureau is responsible for the following duties:
- Adopting and administering the Fire Code
- Conducting fire safety inspections at new and existing occupancies
- Managing inspection records and reports for all occupancies within the City
- Issuing permits required by the California Fire Code
- Reviewing plans to ensure that they are in compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances, and standards
- Enforcing the City's Weed Abatement Program
- Working with the City's Building Division and construction industry to provide local Fire Code Interpretation
- Creating guidance documents and standards to assist residents and businesses with understanding the Fire Code
- Implementing public education programs
- Investigating fires to determine cause and origin
- Promoting the City's Zero Tolerance Fireworks Program
We hope that the information provided on this website is beneficial to you. If you require additional information, please contact the Montclair Deputy Fire Marshal at (909)447-3552 or firemarshal@cityofmontclair.org