When is my trash day?
You can check the collection schedule map here.
You can check the collection schedule map here.
For information about senior discounts for utilities, such as trash and waste services, please visit the Finance Department counter at City Hall or call (909) 625-9471.
To arrange for your bulky item pick up, call Burrtec Waste Inc. at (909) 620-1353. Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. offers a residential bulky item pickup program, subject to the following guidelines: Each calendar year, households within the City of Montclair are allowed four (4) bulky item pickups. Bulky items may include the following household items: … Continued
Report it online here. Include photos if possible.
To discontinue service and receive a closing bill, you must contact Monte Vista Water District at (909) 624-0035. The District will forward the information to the City on a weekly basis. A phone call to the City of Montclair is not necessary as all pertinent information is forwarded from Monte Vista Water District.
New residents to the City of Montclair should contact Monte Vista Water District at (909) 624-0035 to start water service. The District will forward all of your information to the City so a new trash and sewer account can be created and services can begin. All pertinent information is forwarded from Monte Vista Water District … Continued
If you would like to replace a damaged trash bin, please contact the Finance Department Customer Service Line at (909) 625-9471.
In-Person at City Hall Utility payments can be made inside City Hall at the Finance counter Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. by cash, check, or credit card. Utility Payment Drop Box For your convenience, there is a secure payment drop box located at the main entrance of City Hall, 5111 Benito Street, … Continued
If your trash has not been collected, please contact Burrtec directly at (909) 620-1353.