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Monthly Economic Development Updates
Each month we provide current and future Montclair businesses and entrepreneurs with resources for growth and expansion.
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Montclair, CA 91763
7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Friday - Sunday
Economic Development in Montclair
The City of Montclair implements strategies and services that will create an environment in which business can develop and prosper. It strives to create opportunities for business attraction by targeting certain growth segments of the business community—retail, office, light manufacturing, and entertainment related businesses.
The City's economic development activities are designed to stimulate business growth, both large and small, to generate local jobs. The City is highly responsive to businesses that show interest in locating in the City as well as attracting complementary business to our existing base.
The City has the responsibility to create and administer programs designed to stimulate economic activity and enhance City revenues. The major areas of focus include redevelopment and expansion of new and existing commercial markets and capital improvement projects. City programs that assist businesses include the following:
Business Marketing
The economic development activities of the City are designed to generate jobs and stimulate investment in the community. City staff actively market and recruit business to the City in cooperation with area brokers and property owners.
Business Retention, Attraction, & Expansion
The City understands the important relationship between the health of the business community and the maintenance of high quality of life for its residents. For this reason, the City is committed to promoting and assisting in the success of our businesses. To achieve this goal, the City aggressively works to promote, retain, attract, and expand quality business in the City.
Business Assistance
City staff works jointly with the Montclair Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) staff to proactively visit businesses to learn of issues that might present obstacles to their operations. The Chamber also partners with the City of Montclair to attract quality business establishments and retain those currently doing business in the City. Together, the City and Chamber work to promote the local economy by encouraging the business and residential community to shop locally.