City of Montclair High-Wind Warning

Public Works crews are actively monitoring the streets to look for road hazards caused by the current windstorm. Please report any broken tree limbs or debris in the roadways or right-of-way by calling (909) 625-9480. To make a report after business hours, please call (909) 621-4771.

To report downed power lines, call 911.

Current Projects in Montclair

Montclair prides itself on being “development friendly.” This is evidenced by the variety of residential, commercial, and industrial projects currently underway in the City, some of which are illustrated below.



The Project would involve the demolition of all existing on-site structures and the construction of an eight-building business park on a 27.74-acre site located at the northwest corner of Mission Boulevard and Ramona Avenue in the southeastern part of the City of Montclair (City). In total, the Project would provide approximately 513,295 square feet of flexible industrial space suited to serve the requirements of a wide spectrum of industrial tenants, as well as associated improvements, including loading docks, tractor-trailer stalls, passenger vehicle parking spaces, and street, sidewalk, and landscape improvements.

The project would also involve the implementation of a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Tract Map, Precise Plan of Design, and other ministerial permits, including an encroachment permit, grading permit, general construction permit, and street/lane closure permit.

City of Montclair 2020 General Plan Update and
Arrow Highway Mixed-Use District Specific Plan

The City of Montclair will be the Lead Agency for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that will analyze the environmental impacts associated with a proposed update to the Montclair General Plan and adoption of a new Arrow Highway Mixed-Use District (AHMUD) Specific Plan. These two related actions are described below. More information on the 2020 General Plan Update and the AHMUD Specific Plan are available on the project website at: The Plan Area for the 2020 General Plan Update (the entire City and its Sphere of Influence, or SOI) and the area encompassed by the AHMUD Specific Plan are shown in the map at the end of this NOP.

Notice of Preparation (NOP) of a Draft Environmental Impact Report

Mission Boulevard and Ramona Avenue
Business Park Project

A proposal to develop approximately 27.74-acres at the northwest corner of Mission Boulevard and Ramona Avenue, with an eight-building Project, approximately 514,269 square feet in total area.  The buildings are designed to be flexible industrial space well suited to serve the requirements of a wide spectrum of industrial tenants, as well as associated improvements,  including loading docks, tractor trailer stalls, passenger vehicle parking spaces, and street, sidewalk, and landscape improvements (see Figure 2, Site Plan).  Currently, the Project site is developed with a drive-in theater/swap-meet use and a separate automobile-related use.

 Initial Study  Notice of Preparation for Draft EIR

Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH 2021010005)

The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the project evaluates potential environmental effects associated with the proposed project. The EIR is available for a 45-day public comment period that commenced on January 10, 2022 and concludes on February 24, 2022.

Notice of Availability of Draft EIR
Mission Boulevard and Ramona Avenue Business Park Project
Draft EIR
Appendix A
Notice of Preparation, Initial Study, and Scoping Comments
Appendix B-1
CalEEMod Outputs
Appendix B-2
Health Risk Assessment Outputs
Appendix C
Biological Resources Analysis Attachments
Appendix D
Historical Resources Technical Report
Appendix E-1
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Appendix E-2
Phase II Soil and Soil Vapor Investigation
Appendix E-3
Geotechnical Investigation
Appendix F
Noise Attachments
Appendix G
Transportation Impact Analysis
Appendix H-1
Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan
Appendix H-2
Preliminary Hydrology Report
Appendix I
CalEE Mod Outputs for Alternatives

Montclair Place District Specific Plan

Montclair Place District Specific Plan

Final Environmental Impact Report (SCH 2019050011)

The Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the proposed Montclair Place District Specific Plan (MPDSP) is complete and available for review below. The FEIR presents comments on the Draft EIR (DEIR) prepared for the MPDSP, responds in writing to comments on environmental issues, and revises the DEIR as necessary to provide additional clarity.

During the 45-day public review period for the DEIR, July 10, 2020 to August 25, 2020, the City received five comment letters.  The Planning Commission reviewed the project on August 10, 2020, and provided another opportunity to gather public comment on the DEIR.  A list of the comments received, a transcript of the Planning Commission Meeting, copies of the comment letters received, and responses to comments are included in Chapter 2, Responses to Comments, of this FEIR.

Title Page Table of Contents
Introduction Responses to Comments
Changes to the Draft EIR Montclair Place SP MMRP

Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH 2019050011)

 The proposed Montclair Place District Specific Plan (MPDSP) represents the vision for approximately 104 acres of land that includes the existing Montclair Place Mall and surrounding commercial properties as defined by maps within the EIR document.   The MPDSP would assign and create new land use zones for parcels within the Plan Area and provide development standards and architectural guidelines to guide development in the Plan Area through 2040.  A key feature of the MPDSP would provide for the demolition of all or a portion of the existing Mall, some or all appurtenant free-standing outbuildings, and portions of the existing surface parking lots and parking structure to construct a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use downtown district, with structured parking facilities through a series of planned phases.

The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the project evaluates potential environmental effects associated with the proposed MPDSP.  The EIR was available for a 45-day public comment period that commenced on July 10, 2020 and concluded on August 24, 2020.

Public Notice of
Montclair Place District Specific Plan Project
Draft Environmental Impact Report
Montclair Place District Specific Plan
Public Review Draft
Montclair Place District Specific Plan
Draft EIR
Appendix A
Initial Study and Notice of Preparation and Comment Letters
Appendix B-1
Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy Modeling Data
Appendix B-2
Health Effects from Criteria Air Pollutant Memo
Appendix C
Soil and Geology Assessment
Appendix D
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Appendix E
Noise Modeling Data
Appendix F
Traffic Impact Analysis
Appendix G
Tribal Cultural Consultation
Appendix H-2
Utility Capacity Study
Appendix H-3
Water Capacity Study Exhibits
Appendix H-4 Sewer Capacity Study Exhibits
Appendix H-5
Storm Drain Capacity Study Exhibits
Appendix H-6
Electrical Capacity Study Exhibits

San Antonio Creek Trail Feasibility Study

City of Montclair 2020 General Plan Update and
Arrow Highway Mixed-Use District Specific Plan

The City of Montclair will be the Lead Agency for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that will analyze the environmental impacts associated with a proposed update to the Montclair General Plan and adoption of a new Arrow Highway Mixed-Use District (AHMUD) Specific Plan. These two related actions are described below. More information on the 2020 General Plan Update and the AHMUD Specific Plan are available on the project website at: The Plan Area for the 2020 General Plan Update (the entire City and its Sphere of Influence, or SOI) and the area encompassed by the AHMUD Specific Plan are shown in the map at the end of this NOP.

Notice of Preparation (NOP) of a Draft Environmental Impact Report

Active Transportation Plan

The Montclair Safe Routes to School Plan (the Plan) is a comprehensive framework for the City of Montclair to improve the health, safety, and equity of students, parents, and the Montclair community in the surrounding areas for seven elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school in Montclair.

 Active Transportation Plan  Safe Routes to School
Systemtic Safety Analysis Report  Safe Routes to School Appendices

5006 5010 Mission Boulevard Warehouse Project

A proposal to construct approximately 115,350 square-foot, one-story industrial/warehouse facility on an approximately 5.13-acre property. In addition to the industrial/warehouse building, the project would include passenger vehicle parking spaces, trailer parking spaces, tractor-trailer loading docks, and other associated site improvements such as landscaping, sidewalks, and internal driveways.


Notice of Intent to Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration
for 5006 and 5010 Mission Boulevard Warehouse Project

Draft Initial Study
MND Document
Appendix A
Appendix B
Biological Resources Attachments
Appendix C
Cultural Report
Appendix D
Geotech and Update Soil Infiltration Attachment
Appendix E-1
Appendix E-2
Soil Infiltration Study
Appendix F
Noise Attachments
Appendix G-1
Traffic Scoping Agreement

For a comprehensive listing of Montclair’s development activity, click on the development summary links below, which are updated on a regular basis.

Commercial-Industrial Development Summary (Coming Soon)

Residential Development Summary (Coming Soon)

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