Council Committees
The City Council is advised by several Council Committees, some of which regularly meet on a monthly basis and provide recommendations to the City Council on routine, special, and extraordinary matters. Committees are made up of two Council Members and staff members to advise as needed. The City Council may also from time to time form Ad Hoc Committees, which meet for specific purposes on an as-needed basis.
Personnel Committee
Mayor Pro Tem Martinez, Council Member Ruh, and City Manager
Regular meetings held 1st and 3rd Mondays immediately following the regular City Council meetings or at 8:00 p.m., whichever is later.
Public Works Committee
Mayor Dutrey, Mayor Pro Tem Martinez, and Public Works Department staff
Regular meetings held 3rd Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m.
Planning Commission Interview Panel
Mayor Dutrey, Council Member Mendez, and a third Mayor-appointed panel member
Meets in May or June of odd-numbered years to interview applicants for regular Planning Commission vacancies, and holds additional meetings as needed to fill unscheduled vacancies.
Economic Development Committee
Mayor Pro Tem Martinez, Council Member Mendez, and Community and Economic Development Department staff
Regular meetings held 3rd Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Code Enforcement & Public Safety Committee
Council Member Ruh, Council Member Mendez, and Code Enforcement and Police Department staff
Regular meetings held 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Community Activities Commission Interview Panel
Mayor Pro Tem Martinez, Council Member Ruh, and a third Mayor-appointed panel member
Meets in May or June of even-numbered years to interview applicants for regular Community Activities Commission vacancies, and holds additional meetings as needed to fill unscheduled vacancies.