Community Activities Commission

The Community Activities Commission (CAC) serves as an advisory body to the City Council on matters relating to the recreational, cultural, and social needs of the residents of the community.

The CAC consists of seven members who are residents of Montclair appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council and serve staggered, four-year terms, with regularly scheduled vacancies occurring in even-numbered years.

Vacancy notices for scheduled Commission vacancies are posted in April, and special vacancy notices are posted within 30 days of an unanticipated vacancy's occurrence, under the Vacancy Notice category on the News page.

All Montclair residents over the age of 18 are welcome to apply for CAC vacancies.  Applicants are scheduled to be interviewed by a panel made up of two Council Members and a staff member, and recommendations are made to the Mayor and City Council for appointments to be made prior to terms beginning July 1st.

Mandatory Training

CAC Members must maintain compliance with certain public official training requirements, including completing biennial training courses for ethics and sexual harassment prevention.

Current Community Activities Commissioners

Diane Wells Commissioner
Rosa Rangel Commissioner (Vice Chair)
Laurie Milhiser Commissioner
Hector Martinez Commissioner
Richard Escalante Commissioner (Chair)
Darlene Ferraro Commissioner
Arturo Padilla Commissioner

Commission Meetings

Meeting Day and Time

The CAC holds its regular meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. during the months of January through May and September through November (dark June, July, August, and December). Special meetings may be called from time to time for urgent or special business. The public is invited to attend all CAC meetings.

Meeting Location

In-person CAC meetings are held the Council Chambers, located at 5111 Benito Street, Montclair. The Council Chambers are located in the cylindrical building on the southeast corner of the intersection of Fremont Avenue and Benito Street. The Chambers can be accessed from the west lobby of City Hall, which is kept open after City Hall closes on meeting nights. There are two entrances to the west lobby: one can be seen from the parking lot, and the other faces Fremont Avenue. Both entrances can be seen from the City Hall Veterans Memorial Garden. Once you are in the lobby, the Council Chambers are clearly labeled above the entry way.  Special meetings may be held in a different location; please check the agendas of special meetings for meeting locations.

How to Participate in Meetings

If you would like to speak during the meeting, please fill out a speaker card, which is available at the desk as you enter the Council Chambers. It must be placed in the speaker card box on the banister before the meeting begins. All information provided on the card is voluntary and only used to assist in creating the transcription of the meeting.

Please check the agenda for remote participation instructions (a Zoom link and/or teleconference number will be provided). For those participating in meetings remotely, a virtual speaker card or public comments may be submitted through the City's website at least one hour prior to the meeting's start time. The meeting's presiding officer will call on speakers at the appropriate times during the meeting.

Contact Information

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